Hey there! I'm Cordelia McGee-Tubb (though my online handle is cordeliadillon in most places). I enjoy circumambulating cities, collecting food-shaped novelty hats, and trying to keep my houseplants happy. My pronouns are she, her, and hers.

I'm a cartoonist.
I hold an MFA in Comics from California College of the Arts. These days, I mostly draw autobio webcomics and have dreams of someday publishing a longer comic memoir about anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and depression. I also love to illustrate slides for my public speaking engagements. I'm super excited about comics for readers with print disabilities. If you're excited about that, too, let's talk!

I'm a tech person.
I'm passionate about making technology accessible for everyone and currently work as a design technologist at eBay. For the past decade, I've been volunteering as a technology tutor for older adults, which inspired me to complete an MA in Gerontology at USC. My professional interests include web accessibility, inclusive design, front-end development, digital equity, and gerontechnology.
Contact me
You can email me at cordelia at cordeliadillon dot com or find me on one of the social media sites linked below. I'd love to hear from you!
Pandemic-times note: I'll be honest, I'm pretty overwhelmed these days. I may be a bit slow to respond, so if you haven't heard back from me in a while, please do reach out again. It's nothing personal, it's just 2021 2022 2023. 😬